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The purpose of our Church is to preserve and preach the Orthodox faith, to celebrate and administer the Holy Sacraments, as well as other services, to provide spiritual assistance to all of our members and to guide them on the path to salvation.
The Romanian Orthodox Church of Edmonton Saints Constantine and Elena is under the canonical jurisdiction of the Romanian Orthodox Archdicese in the Americas (, whose hierarchs (Archbishop and Vicar Bishop) are members of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
Our parish is organized and functions according to the Statute of the Archdiocese.
The Parish Board of Directors is elected every two years by the Annual General Assembly. The Board meets every month (more often if necessary) to discuss matters pertaining to the administration of the parish, to analyze the reports presented by various committees and to set the vision for the parish.
The Ladies Auxiliary is constituted of the ladies of the parish who are willing to contribute their time, effort and input for the welbeing of the community. The Auxiliary is led by an Executive Committee, elected by the Annual General Assembly. The Auxiliary is dealing with the catering and sponsors a variety of fundraising events throughout the course of the year.
The Ladies Auxiliary extends a warm invitation to all the ladies of the parish to come and join them in this most valuable ministry to the Church!
President: | Ion Mieilă |
Vice-President: | George Moss |
Secretary: | Luminiţa Ştefănescu |
Treasurer: | Corina Elena Sasu |
Auditor: | Gabriela Dincă, Robert Ioniţescu |
Hall Manager: | Nicolae Chiosa |
Director: | Veronica Ciocan, Mariana Diaconu, Ştefan Mocanu, Richard Toma, Stelian Sterea |
Parish Priest: | Fr. George Bazgan |
Cantor: | Viorel Ciocan. |
SOCIAL: | Mariana Diaconu (preşedinte), Luminiţa Ştefănescu, Veronica Ciocan, Stelian Sterea, Nicolae Chiosa |
MAINTENANCE: | George Moss (preşedinte), Richard Toma (vice-preşedinte), Nicolae Chiosa (manager), Stelian Sterea |
IT/WEB/COMMUNICATIONS: | Ştefan Mocanu (preşedinte), Pr.George Bazgan, Veonica Ciocan, Stelian Sterea, Marian Vătui |
SUNDAY SCHOOL: | Veronica Ciocan (preşedinte), Gabriela Luca-Damian, Ileana Gavriş, Ştefan Mocanu |
From left to right:
Marian Vătui, Stelian Sterea, Luminiţa Ştefănescu, Ion Mieilă, Richard Toma, Nicolae Chiosa, Pr. Paroh George Bazgan, George Moss, Ştefan Mocanu, Gabriela Dincă, Mariana Diaconu, Veronica Ciocan, Corina Elena Sasu.
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