Church Hall Rental

The Main Hall of the Romanian Center has a capacity of 160 people and can be rented with catering by the Ladies Auxiliary only.

The Fellowship Hall has a capacity of 60 people and can be rented to the church members only, under certain conditions.

For rentals and additional information, please download and print out our RENTAL AGREEMENT and return to Neculae Chiosa, Manager of the Romanian Center (780–984-6885).  You may also submit the below online form for the Church Hall Rental.  You will be contacted to make final arrangements.

AEC v1.0.2

    Indicate date is unavailable for booking.
Requestor Information

Full Name:*
Postal Code:
Phone No:*
Cell No:
Fax No:
E-mail Address:* (you will receive a copy of the request)
Preferred Contact Method: Phone No.Cell No.E-mail

Rental Details
Please review the rental agreement for all the details before submitting your booking request.

Request Date: (refer to the calendar on the left for availability)

Rentals Rate Quantity
Parish Rental Hall $500.00
Bar Rental $100.00
Corkage $5.00/person
Wine Glasses $20.00
Additional Time After Rental $30.00/hour
Table Cloths $5.00/each
Overhead Projector $50.00
Sound System $200.00
Funeral $400.00
Small Hall Rental $200.00

*** Holding/Damage Deposit: ***


Additional Notes:

I have read and agree with the rental agreement.

(*) Required
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